HONDA: keeping the buyers interested

Ads for companies and industries are constantly being changed to keep up to date in society. Honda in particular, is always coming out with new commercials that focus on the specific features of the new car model. In every commercial, they talk about the new feature and make it seem like the buyer absolutely could not live without it. In this ad, a group of cars all parallel park at the same exact time using their brand new rearview mirror. Towards the end of the commercial, the voice on the ad says “because we can all benefit from a better view of the road.” The ad really stresses that this new rearview mirror is a safety feature, and who doesn’t want to buy a new car that gives you this extra set of eyes on the road?

Honda, in particular, is a car industry that is always coming out with new ads with the same general “theme” of safety and family. Almost all of their commercials incorporate either a family in the brand new car and of course, the family is happy and excited about the car; or the commercials show off a new feature and relate it back to the idea of keeping everyone safe.

Honda is the perfect example of an ad that “…never speaks of the present. Often yet refers to the past and always they speak of the future.” Every year, Honda comes out with a new model that is slightly different than the one that came out the previous year. They stress this slight difference and make it seem like it is a necessity. They also stick to their themes of safety and family, which makes them unique. Honda is one of the few companies that I have noticed that advertises their new features the same way. It gives the buyer almost a sense of comfort- they know what to expect when they are buying the car and I think that is a really positive thing. They have made it known to their customers what they are about by creating ads that emphasize what their company is about.

Overall, Honda fits Berger’s description pretty well of an ad that is constantly being renewed and up to date. If companies don’t continue to reinvent their ads and create new features, people will stop buying from them. Companies need to keep being creative and coming up with things that are going to keep their buyers excited.

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