Thai Life Insurance Ad

The advertisement that greatly impacted me is a small three minute advertisement presented by a Taiwanese life insurance company known as Thai Life Insurance. Within this ad is a simple man who portrays the elegance of life, and the impact taking just a little bit of time out of his day to simply do the right thing. This man is an anonymous character that is depicted as one not to just do things for money or wealth, but out of the sheer kindness of his heart. He is a man that lives for much more then money. He is one that is driven by true emotion and love for life itself. In every instance in this advertisement he seemingly gets nothing in return, but with every act of kindness his hearts emotions are pouring out of the television. This ad uses brilliant visual prowess to present that the road of love and life will prevail over any dollar amount. Whether it is helping out an old lady move her food cart, or giving the last few dollars in his wallet to a homeless mother and daughter or even simply moving a dying plant into a spot where it can grow strong and beautiful. I feel that this advertisement really touches upon the unsung heroes in everyday life. This advertisement truly shows value of being a good person. Which is why the Thai Life Insurance ad not only portrayed a beautiful story, but subliminally sold their product just as well. I say this because as beautiful as the ad is there is still the fact that this is just another company setting up a false scenario in order to make a financial gain, and they do it beautifully! The Thai Life insurance  impacted the hearts of millions with their manipulated belief that if everyone acted like the man in the commercial then our society would be perfect. Utterly selling the fact that everyone should forget about the dollar signs, and buy their product thoughtlessly out of the sheer kindness of their own hearts to preserve this artificial love that their advertisement depicted. I really choice this article at first, because it hit home to me. The made me feel good about life, and the people that live in this world. Although despite the emotion coming out of this ad after four to five times watching the advertisement one starts to see through the beauty of it all with every slogan or phrase about life.

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