A Second Chance

I can’t believe we are almost done with the first semester. It feels like just last week I was moving into the dorms and getting lost around campus. Looking back on the past semester I cannot help but wonder how things may have gone differently if we had more time or a re-due on the assignments?
For essay one, I took a series of advertisements from an organization and analyzed how the ads work together to convey a message. If I had another shot at the first paper, I would try to pick ads by different companies that all share a similarity. Although the prospect of choosing ads by different companies is intriguing, it would also be much more challenging than picking ads from the same campaign. I took the easy way out with essay one, but perhaps if I had another chance I would attempt to use the second type of ads and analyze them. It would also be interesting to analyze a commercial video considering the fact that I only analyzed pictures.
For essay two, I wrote about the mental health in prisons and how America can proceed to reform the system. If I had more time, I would try to include more specific cases of mistreatment told through the victim’s point of view. I think it would help strength my argument by adding a layer of emotion to the paper. It would also be interesting to see what other laws and legislation exists out there regarding mental health and to see if the current president made any action to publicly address this issue. If I had a second attempt at essay two I might have tried to choice a different topic. Choosing my topic was a rushed decision because the deadline for the annotated bibliography was quickly approaching.

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