The Many Topics You Can Choose

I think the biggest struggle came when choosing a topic for my second essay. We were given a lot of free range and my mind wondered to the endless possibilities of a great paper. Usually, I tend to write about conflicts dealing with how women are perceived. This includes body image issues, the sexualization of women, and many others. I tend to lean towards this subject because it is relatable, easy to find content, and I am just interested in the subject and like to contribute to a solution. The only problem is that I believe I have worn out this subject. Last year in my 12th grade English class I wrote about body image issues due to the fashion industry and my first essay in this class was revolved around Dove’s beauty campaign which empowered the average looking woman. I believe it was the best decision to go with another topic so I could broaden my knowledge on other controversial issues.

One topic I always wish I wrote about after the fact is music. Music is such a huge part of my life and I really never find myself writing about it. Basically, my whole life outside of being a student revolves around my love for music so I try to stay clear of the subject because I am afraid I’ll just get annoyed if there is too much music talk in my life. But every time I am done writing a paper, I think back at what other topics I could have written about and think of something really cool that involves music. I think my visual remediation would have come across really interesting if my subject matter had something to do with the evolvement of music or how music influences our lives. But at the same time, I am already knowledgable when it comes to music, so I believe it is also a good thing that I stray from that topic so I can learn about something different.

Overall, I believe that what I put into my papers is what I was interested in and what I thought would make my paper the strongest. I don’t really have any regrets leaving out some of the information I found because I didn’t put it in my paper for a reason. If I just put in all of the information I had found into one paper, it would look clustered and unorganized. I believe that all of the information put into my essay made it stronger.

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