Visual Remediation

In your final assignment you will take some part of your Researched Argument and remediate it. Specifically, for this assignment you will put this part into a digital, pictorial essay. This can be made as a presentation (like a Power Point slide), on iMovie, blog format, tumblr, and the like. While you do not, and should not, incorporate all elements of your Researched Argument, you will have to decide what aspect of your paper you can most effectively remediate. In this process you must consider the allowances and limitations of this new medium. I want you to be as persuasive as you were in essay two; this remediation must have an clear argument. 

A strong Visual Remediation would include:

  1. A strong argument. The images or video clips you choose should be working together to persuade your audience.
  2. A reflection essay, of at least two pages (MLA format), discussing your composition process. Here you should discuss the different considerations you had when transferring your argument to its new medium, what complications you ran into, the choices you made, why you picked specific pictures, sounds, and the like.
  3. A thoughtful title.
  4. A Works Cited of your texts (links are fine for this assignment).
  5. At least 15 images/video clips/music clips.


  • Tuesday December 1st and December 3rd you will workshop your VR.
  • Tuesday December 8th VR is due. You will present this to the class. (This will consist of showing your VR and then commenting on what you were trying to do. AKA what you had in your reflection. The presentation itself is not graded, but if you do not present you’re final VR grade will be dropped down a letter grade).

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